Book Review : StrengthsFinder 2.0 Discover your Clifton Strengths by Tom Rath

A Journalist interested in Politics dies and goes to heaven. Seeing that God is absolutely friendly and welcoming he asks god. “God, can you tell me who is the greatest political leader of all times?”. God points out to a man sitting under a mango tree. Seeing the man, the journalist froze and said “God, that can’t be possible. I have seen him on earth. He was my neighbor’s driver. To this God replied, “He would have been the greatest political leader only if he had known his potential”.

All of us are born with talents. The Irony is that most of us travel from cradle to cubicle and from cubicle to casket without realizing our true potential.

Research suggests that people who build their life around their natural talents are successful and happier. Successful because they know what they are doing and happier because they are emotionally involved and satisfied with what they are doing.

 But how will you come to know what you are good at? This is where Clifton strength finder can help.

Recently, I read this interesting book and took the Clifton Strength Finder assessment. In this, blog I will share with you about the book and how exactly the Clifton strength finder can work for you.



What is Dan Clifton Strength Finder?

Dan Clifton Strength Finder is named after Donald Clifton who is known as the father of Strengths-based psychology.

He was an American psychologist and researcher. He studied what makes people successful and found that people who can leverage their strengths can really live a happy and successful life.

He further researched strengths and found that they can be derived from innate talents. In order to develop a common language to understand these talents, he set up a team of scientists and developed 34 themes of talents. These 34 themes are personality traits each individual possesses.

Dan Clifton Strength Finder helps you find your natural talents with the help of a psychometric test and introduces you to your top 5 talent themes.  

Currently, this assessment is managed and maintained by Gallup.

How does Clifton Strength Finder work?

After taking the Clifton assessment you will get your strength report. This report would contain a description of your top 5 dominant themes. These are the talents you are born with; things you are naturally inclined to.

Now that you know your talent you must work to convert it into a strength.

For this, the book gives you a formula.

Talent * Investment = Strength

Here Talent is your natural talent and Investment is the knowledge and skill you must develop to improve your talent. Once you do that it will become your strength.

How to take the assessment?

The assessment can be taken online.  Here is the URL of the assessment.

The assessment is also combined with this book. The book contains a packet with an access code that can be used only once. A word of caution here, never buy a copy of the book whose packet is already open.


What to expect from the book?

The book is divided into two parts.

The first part introduces the concept of talent and strength through examples and analogy. Here the author also talks about the strength assessment, and how to take it and take maximum advantage of it.

In the second part, the author lists down all 34 themes. There is a chapter dedicated to each theme where each theme is explained in detail which includes an introduction, some examples of how people in each theme think, and 10 things for action for people who belong to these themes. Also some pointers on how to deal with people who belong to these themes. 


My recommendation

When I took the assessment and saw the report my first reaction was “How do they know me so well?”.

 I was surprised to see how well the report pinpointed my behavior and thoughts. As I read the report I could remember the instances where my behavior was exactly like the description of my talent theme.

I wish I would have taken this assessment earlier in life. Nevertheless, better late than never.

Have you ever wondered about your behavior or thoughts and asked yourself why do I behave like that? Why cannot I think like him or her? Or how did this idea occur to me? After reading this book I realized that your ideas, thoughts, or behavior are all coming from your natural talents. It cannot be changed as you are born with it. Your talents make you unique so treasure them.

This book has the potential to make you fall in love with yourself. As you discover your talent themes and go deeper in understanding them you will start enjoying every bit of yourself and your gift of talents.  

I think the assessment can do wonders for the life of students and help them choose a career path they can build on their natural aptitude.

For someone like me who has already chosen a career path, the assessment can help acknowledge personal strengths and show ways to progress.

It is also important to reveal your talents to your team and manager so that they can help you reach your full potential. If your manager knows your strength she can engage you in activities in your strength zone so that the project can get maximum advantage out of it. 

In families, if people know each other’s talents and encourage each other to develop them imagine what a brilliant life everyone would have.

Take the Clifton strength assessment and decide for yourself. Do let me know how it helped you.

Check out the book-buying link below.


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